Category: Youtube

Calgary Business Recovery Task Force Video

Had the privilege of working on this video telling stories of how local business was affected by the floods in Calgary. Spent two days talking to business and charities in Mission and Inglewood.

Powerful stories, strong and brave people who’s livelihood was in danger. Inglewood and Mission are bouncing back but they need the support of the city, and not just government. Shop local and take the time to visit with them, their stories will amaze you.

Video produced by Vox Pop Media.

Jenavive – Thug Boy Live at the U of C Gig Club

Had the chance to shoot a live performance of local band Jenavive at the BSD Rock Up at the UofC’s That Empty Space. The lighting guy there was pretty awesome.


If you’re in a band or a solo artist and you’re interested in capturing your live performances or shooting your music video, hit me up on my contact page and get some more info.